Friday, February 3, 2012

Fashion, Style, Trend

We often confuse these words and merge them like they´re the same, maybe they are at times but, more often than not, they are light years apart.

Fashion is ephemeral and is created to have a life span depending on the market and whatever whims we have as consumers. Some may prevail and some may just live to become a memory of something that once excited and defined us in some way.

A trend is something of the moment, a song, a person, a song, a movie, a movement or color that comes to play a part in Fashion but that inevitably will fade.

Style, now that is something that many claim to have but only some can really carry on, it´s what reflects what we´re made of, what we are, want to be and want to show the world in order  to define ourselves like part of something without loosing our individuality, it´s our identity and it shifts from time to time depending on so many things.... what we see, what we listen to, what we experience, what life throws at us, but always coming back to the root of it all, our nature.

We can always combine these terms, define them what suits us best, rely on them to make decisions, but lets never loose sight of them as elements that are, as us, individuals that collide when it feels right.

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